Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Chicken fajitas - healthy and light Greek-style!

Chicken is a very easy meat to cook and is also a very healthy one. But depending on what you cook it with you can either make it an ally to your diet or an enemy! So the other night as I was craving for some fajitas I though to myself how can I make them healthier? The answer is the following recipe to which you can add any vegetables of your choice to make it tastier. The most important thing though is to have a non stick pan or pot. Having one will reduce the amount of oil or any other fat you use thus will help you cut down calories and money!

So here is the recipe:

Ingredients (makes 8 fajitas)

2 chicken breasts about 900 grams
1/2 spoon of olive oil
Greek yogurt non fat (about 300 grams)
Dry spearmint leaves
8 tortillas (choose the ones with the fewer calories!)

How to:

1. Wash and cut the chicken in stripes. Remove any fat. The stripes should be about 2-3 cm width. Don't worry too much about that though.

2. In the non stick pan add the oil and move it around so it covers a big part of the bottom of the pan and bring to a boil. Once heated add the chicken stripes and cook them until they are golden brown on all sides. Don't cook them all at once. Few at a time so that you can check them and turn them easily.

3. Once you are done put them in a platter. If you want to add any onions or peppers this it the time to. Use the same pan and cook them until they are softened. I didn't use any because George isn't a fan of them but they won't add any significant amount of calories to the food.

4. Once you are done prepare the sour cream substitute: Mix the yogurt and the dry spearmint leaves. Rub the leaves between your fingers so they release their fragrance.

5. Take one tortilla and spread one spoon of the yogurt mixture. Place some chicken on one end of the tortilla and wrap it.


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