Tuesday, December 15, 2015

How to do the laundry the easy way

One of the first and basic things one must know when moving on their own is how to do the laundry.

For me it was a struggle since I had never done such a thing before. So a week after moving in with my fiance I found myself in front of a washing machine whose brand I did not know and whose symbols meant nothing to me. Half an hour later and after an unsuccessful attempt to find a manual online I called the one person who knew. My mom. I described the unknown symbols on the machine and discovered that "e" stood for economy wash. Since that day I have developed my own system for washing, which for me works in the best way:

1. Unless the clothes are made of wool they can all be washed in the economy wash.

2. I have 4 main categories. Clothes, sheets, towels and underwear. Since we don't have many white clothes to have it as a category on its own i usually wash them with the dark ones and use a color catcher.

3. Sub-category: Divide the above by color. However,  I always use a color catcher. Since there is only 2 of us I cannot always fill up the machine with one color of clothes.

4. Degrees. Clothes, sheets and towels at 30-40 degrees Celsius. Depends on what is written on the labels. Underwear 50 degrees.

I have also discovered that there is a wash for delicate clothes which I rarely use since most of our clothes go in the washing machine.


Find a basic wash program that will work for most of your clothes. Use it for most of your clothes etc. Change the degrees accordingly.

Hope it helps!